Eighteen bound volumes of miscellaneous books and pamphlets belonging to Franklin Benjamin Sanborn
V.p., v.d. as below. Format ranges from large octavo to sextodecimo, all uniformly, or nearly uniformly bound in tan buckram; red morocco labels on spines; buckram slightly discolored; otherwise mostly very good. An interesting and informative look into the reading habits, pursuits, and interests of Franklin Benjamin Sanborn (1831-1917), a New England reformer and abolitionist, and one of the "Secret Six" who underwrote John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry. He was friends of Emerson and Thoreau, the former with whom he had a falling out over his proposal for marriage to Emerson's daughter. He was also close to Louisa May Alcott, Bronson Alcott, and Ellery Channing. He wrote biographies or biographical sketches of Thoreau, Emerson, and Hawthorne, as well as Bronson Alcott and John Brown. He edited for the Boston Bibliophile Society five volumes of Thoreau's manuscripts. In a number of the titles below Sanborn has made annotations, marks of readership, and notes, some rather extensive. Trikoupes, Spuridon. Σπυριδωνος Τρικουπη ὁι ̓επι της ̔Ελληνικης ̓επαναστασεως και κατα την κηδειαν τινων ̓επιζησαντων πρωταγονιστων ἀυτοσχεδιοι ̓απ' ̓αμβωνος λογοι και ̔ο ̓εκφωνηθεις ̓εν Λονδινͅω της 52 Μαρτιου 1861. [Spyridon Trikoupi on the Greek Revolution and during the funeral of some of the surviving protagonists, improvised speeches by Iambonos ... ]. Εκδοσις δευτερα. En Athenais, Ek tou Typographeiou Ch. N. Philadelpheos, 1862, pp. 102; original printed wrappers bound in; lengthy note on the titled page by Sanborn regarding the contents, and noting that this volume was given to him by the author's daughter; Trikoupes, Spuridon. Σπυριδωνος Τρικουπη ὁ Δημος, ποιημα κλεφτικον. [Municipality, a poem.] Ἐκδοσις δευτερα ἐπιθεωρηθεισα. Athenais, Ek tou Typographeiou Ch. N. Philadelpheos, 1862, pp. 15, [1]; original printed wrappers bound in; presentation copy from the author's daughter, Sophie, dated Athens, 21 March, 1893, presumably to Sanborn; PAPAGEORGIOU, Dimitri G. Ολυμπια Και Ολυμπιακοι Αγωνεσ [Olympia and the Olympic games.] Athens, 1890, pp. [12], 180; 4 folding maps and plates plus other illustrations in the text; original printed wrappers bound in; Catalogue of the Theodor Graf Collection of unique ancient Greek portraits 2000 years old recently discovered and now on view ... at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago [drop title], pp. 49, [1]; [Chicago?]: [publisher not identified], 1893; [Quinn, Daniel.] On the Hellenic pronunciation of Greek [drop title], pp 14; Reprinted from the Catholic University Bulletin for July, 1896. Tarbell, Frank B., et al. Archaeological Institute of America. Twelfth annual report of the managing committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens... Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, 1894, pp. 62; original front wrapper bound in, folding frontispiece; [Scott, Walter, editor.] Memoirs of Robert Cary, Earl of Monmouth. Written by himself. And Fragmenta regalia; being a history of Queen Elizabeth's favourites. By Sir Robert Naunton. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne & Co., 1808, pp. [iii]-xxviii, [2], 301, [1]; half-title wanting, Euripides. Euripidis Fabulæ. Paris: A. F. Didot, 1855, pp. lxxiv, 616; Sanborn's ownership signature on the title page dated Concord, 1859, and inscribed by Sanborn on the front free endpaper: "F. B. Sanborn, Concord 1860. Bound in 1900. See the French brochure at the end of the volume" [viz:] Mavrogenis, Spyridan. [Les bains orientaux avec une notice biographique sur Jules van Millingen], Strasbourg, n.d. [late 1880s?] pp, 5-67, [1]; folding plate; title page and portrait wanting. With annotations by Sanborn on about a dozen pages, and preceded in the binding by a lengthy manuscript account of how Sanborn received the pamphlet as a gift from one of Millingen's grandsons in Constantinople. Sand, George. Les maitres Mosaistes. Paris: Felix Bonnaire, 1838, pp. [2], viii, [1], 10-362. Ownership signature by Sanborn and dated Concord, June 1902 on the front free endpaper, together with a 10-line comment in French on the book which he says he read in 1855 with W. Ellery Channing. Sand, George. Spiridion. Paris: Felix Bonnaire, 1839, pp. 472; pages 33-47 are wanting and Sanborn has bound in 10 blank leaves, with a note in French on the first leaf regarding their absence; Galt, John. The literary life and miscellanies. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood, 1834, pp. [4], vi, iii, [1], 363, [1]; with an inscription on the flyleaf: "presented to Robert Gur[ant] (loos to the binder's knife) Esquire as a proof of the regard and esteem of R. Powes." Also with Sanborn's ownership signature on front free endpaper dated Concord, October 1902 and with an ensuing 5-line note regarding this and the following title as "curiosities in their way." [Anon.] Life of William Pitt, late Prime Minister of Great Britain, with biographical notices of his principal friends and illustrious cotemporaries..., Philadelphia: John Watts, 1806, pp. xi, [2], 242, [2]; half-title wanting; Galt, John. Annals of the parish; or, the chronicle of Dalmailing; during the ministry of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder. Written by himself. Edinburgh: printed for W. Blackwood & T. Cadell, London, 1821, pp. [4], 400, [2] ads; Sanborn's ownership signature on front free endpaper dated Concord, 1903; Minnich, Johann Alois, Dr. Reisebilder aus Spanien. Zurich: Friedrich Schulthes, 1862, pp. viii, 252; frontispiece, original printed front wrapper bound in; inscribed by Sanborn on the title page: "Given to E. Morton of Baden by the author, and by him to F. B. S. 1885." And with a gift inscription from the author to Morton at the top of the front wrapper dated Baden 1880, but inscription partially lost to the binder's knife. On the front-free endpaper is a 16-line note from Sanborn, dated Concord, 1904 regarding Morton and May Alcott's marriage in 1879; Contreras, Rafael. Étude descriptive des monuments arabes de Grenade, Séville et Cordoue, cèst-a-dire l'Alhambra, l'Alcazar et la grande mosquée d'Ocident. Madrid: typographie de Ricardo Fe, 1889, pp. 462; folding map, illustrations in the text; note on the half-title by Sanborn noting he purchased this volume at Alhambra Nov. 18, 1892 at a cost of 9 pesetas ($1.60), and with an additional note by Sanborn on the rear endpaper stating he visited Alhambra in November 1892 "after seeing the Alcazar and the Girlada at Seville. Harvard University. Annual report of the Phillips Brooks House. Cambridge: printed by Louis F. Weston, June 1907. pp. 36; mounted illustration, original printed wrappers bound in; Salt, Henry S. Consolations of a faddist. Verses reprinted from "The Humanitarian." London: A. C. Fifield, 1906, pp. 32; original printed wrappers bound in; Ehmcke, F. H. Zur Kultur der Seele 1896-1906 [wrapper title]. Verlagsbericht von Eugen Diederichs Jena. Leipzig: Spamerschen, 1906, pp. 48; 12 plates (4 folding); 2 bifoliate advertising leaflets bound in; original printed wrappers bound in; F. S. T. Catalogue of the Golden Branch of Phillips Exeter Academy. Exeter: News-Letter Steam Printing Establishment,1875, pp. 36; original printed wrappers bound in; Gunton, Simon. An epitome of Mr. Gunton's history of Peterborough Cathedral, containing a fuller and more precise account than has hitherto been given of the centuries in which the several parts of this edifice were begun and completed. Peterborough: printed and sold by C. Jacob, n.d. [ca. mid 1830s], pp. [2], 48; engraved frontispiece; Hooper, Cecil H. A year among the orchards of Nova Scotia, Read before the Royal Horticultural Society, London ... January 31st., 1899, pp. 22, [2]; self-wrappers; Levasseur, M. E. Note sur la valeur de la production brute agricole de la France présentée a la société a propos d'un tableau de M. Le Trésor de la Rocque [wrapper title]. Paris: Chamerot et Renouard, 1891, pp. 144; original printed wrappers bound in; Mead, Edwin D. The principles of the founders ... Oration before the city government and citizens of Boston at Faneuil Hall, July 4, 1903. Boston, 1903, pp. 73, [1]; South Place Magazine, No. 4, Vol. XIII. Special memorial number to Dr. Moncure D. Conway. London: South Place Ethical Society, [1908?]. pp. 74; original printed wrappers bound in; Galt, John. Letters from the Levant containing views of the state of society, manners, opinions, and commerce, in Greece, and several of the principal islands... London, T. Cadell and W. Davis, 1813, pp. xv, [1], 386; engraved frontispiece map; early owner's inscription on title page of "E. Thomas Parsons, Middletown, State of Connecticut, United States, North America ... April 3d., 1824," his signature again on the recto of the flyleaf, and on the verso of the same flyleaf pencil notes in a difficult hand with a note beneath them stating "the above is on the handwriting of of Dr. S. G. Howe." Sanborn's ownership signature dated Concord, 1900-1912 on the front free endpaper, followed by a 10-line note regarding Galt, and the next title by Keppel; Keppel, George, Major Honble. Narrative of a journey across the Balcan, by the two passes of Selimno and Pravadi; also of a visit to Azani, and other newly discovered ruins in Asia Minor... London, Henry Colburn, 1831. Volume II only, pp. xiii, [1], 465, [1], [2] ads; with Sanborn's ownership signature on the flyleaf dated Concord, 1894, and with a 6-line note regarding Keppel's having made "some archeological discoveries on this January." Fourier, Charles. Le nouveau monde industrial. Deuxieme volume. Bruxelles: a la Librairie Belge-Francaise, 1840, pp. [4], 409, [1], iii, [1]; inscribed on the half-title: "A Bronson Alcott, Esq. with Mr. Doherty's warm regards," and with a lengthy note by Sanborn on the front free endpaper dated Concord 1912: "This exposition of Fourier is a gift of Bronson Alcott who was never a favorite. The Bouilly (odd volume) is interesting (see below). I have Gretry's autobiography in French." Bouilly. Mes récapitulations ... Deuxieme époque 1791-1812. Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie, 1837, pp. [4], 288, [2]; half-title with the ownership signature of Sanborn dated Concord, 1900; Barlow, Frederic. The complete English peerage: or a genealogical and historical account of the peers and peeresses of this realm..., London: printed for the author and sold by T. Evans, 1773, pp. [2], 7-479; [3]-474, [6] subscribers' list; except for the title page, lacking all the prelims in vol. I, and lacking the title page in volume II; 24 (of 25) engraved plates; 9-line note by Sanborn on the front free endpaper: "This is a very curious Old Peerage for which with a new binding I paid 70 cents, 1912. How authentic it is I cannot say, but it's very entertaining. F. B. Sanborn, Concord, July 4, 1912." Pausanius. [Title in Greek.] Déscription de la Grece de Pausanius. [Tome sixieme.] Traduction nouvelle ... par M. Clavier. Paris: A. Dobée, 1821, pp. [5], 450-551, [1], xxiii, [5]; original printed front wrapper bound in; with a note by Sanborn on the front free endpaper, referring to this and the next title: "J. B. Sanborn, Concord 1912. Rebound. The Pausanius, in Greek and French was bought in Athens in 1893. The Letters of Joseph de Maistre were bought of Goodspeed in Boston about 1908..." Maistre, Joseph De., M. LeComte. Lettres et opuscules. Lacking all the prelims up to p. xvii; pp. xvii-xxvi, 591, [1]; Brooke, Mrs. A dialogue between a lady and her pupils, describing a journey through England and Wales ... Second edition, considerably enlarged. Together with an introductory account of England ... by John Evans, A.M. London, printed for H. D. Symonds, 1808, pp. lii, 323, [1] ads; engraved folding frontispiece map (with a split at one fold); Sanborn's note on the front free endpaper: "F. B. Sanborn, 1912. Rebound for propinquity of place, but as unlike as two volumes well could be. England of the early 19th century and the island of the fabulous saints were as dissimilar as possible..." Justorum Semita: or, the path to the just. A history of the lesser holidays of the present English kalendar. Edinburgh: R. Grant & Son, 1844, pp. [iii]-vii, [3], 255-626 (so lacking the first 250-odd pages); on a blank leaf prior to the title page Sanborn has written: "Legends of curiosity. But where are the first 250 pages?" Sortel, Albert. Montesquieu. Deuxiueme édition. Paris: Hachette, 1889, pp. 176; on the front free endpaper Sanborn has written: "F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Oct. 1912. The best recent notice of Montesquieu," and referring to the next title: "and a volume of the later essays of Sainte-Beuve." Ownership signature of F. B. Sanborn Concord, Mass, on half-title. Sainte-Beuve, C.-A. Nouveaux lundis ... Tome quartieme. Paris: Michel Levy freres, 1865, pp. [2], 462, [2]; [Howie, John.] Biographia Scoticana or a brief historical account of the lives, characters, and memorable transactions of the most eminent Scots worthies. Glasgow: printed and sold by John Bryce Bookseller, 1775], pp. [27]-551, [1], xxxiv; lacking all before p. 27 and everything after p. xxxiv in the appendix; engraved plate; Sanborn has added a typed title page (with an erroneous title and imprint) and has added his own typed preface: "This edition of the Scots Worthies is complete with the exception of a tedious preface ... It belonged to my mother's grandmother, Esther Towle of Hampton who married my great-grandfather, Benjamin Leavitt of Hampton Falls, and was of Scottish decent... "The malignant pamphlet (actually the appendix) of Howie of Lochgoin is imperfect - but the better part of it is here" and, referring to the next title: "The Memoirs of Buchanan, who was one of the worthies, is a much more carefully written work ... it was bought in Boston this year, 1898." Irving, David. Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1817, pp. [iii]-xvii, [1], 435, [1]; engraved portrait and 2 engraved plates; Mirabeau, Victor de Riquetti, Marquis de. Philosophie rurale, ou, Économie generale et politique de l'agriculture... Tome premiere. Amsterdam: chez les Libraires associés, 1764, pp. xlviii, 419, [9]; title page with tear out in the fore-margin not touching any letterpress; Andrea, da Barberino. Guerino, detto Il Meschino storia in cui si tratta della grandi imprese e vittorie da lui riportate contro i Turchi. Napoli: dalla tipografia di Paci, 1850, pp. 40; 8 charming woodcuts at chapter headings in the text. Green, Samuel Swett, Some of the Roman remains in England, Worcester, Mass.: The Davis Press, 1907. pp. 43, [1]; green printed wrappers, inscribed by the author, but with last three letters cropped; 3 folding maps; Trumbull, J. Hammond, Notes on forty Algonkin Versions of the Lord's Prayer, Hartford: from the Transactions of the American Philological Society, 1873. pp. [2], 116 [i.e. 106]; brown printed wrappers; Linde, Hermann, Peter Paul Rubens' Masterpiece The Feast of Herod, New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1904. pp. [4], 28; blue wrappers printed in red; Report to the House of Representatives of the United States of America, vindicating the rights of Charles T. Jackson to the discovery of the anaesthetic effects of ether vapor, and disproving the claims of W. T. G. Morton to that discovery. Presented to the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 28th of August, 1852. By Hon. Edward Stanly, of North Carolina, and Hon. Alexander Evans, of Maryland, members of the select committee on the ether discovery. Boston: printed by authority of the minority of the committee, 1852. pp. 57, [1]; orange printed wrappers, inscribed by Mrs. C. T. Jackson to F. B. Sanborn. A report supporting C. T. Jackson's claim to the discovery of ether anaesthesia over W. T. G. Morton; Ch. Féré. Séance du 26 Mars 1904. T. LVI, p. 546. Paris: Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie, 1904. pp. 17, [1], grey wrappers; Ch. Féré. Séance du 14 Janvier 1905. T. LVIII, p. 60. Paris: Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie, 1905, pp. 23, [1]; grey wrappers; Ch. Féré. Séance du 24 Fevrier 1906. T. LX, p. 377. Paris: Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie, 1906. pp. 23, [1]; grey wrappers; Butler, A. W., Some Indiana crow roosts, Indianapolis: from Proceedings of the Academy of Science, 1897. pp. 175-178 [i.e. 4pp.]; tan printed wrappers. Butler, A. W., Notes on Indiana Heroines. Indianapolis: from Proceedings of the Academy of Science, 1897. pp. [1], 198-201, [1] [i.e. 4 pp.]; tan printed wrappers. Rantoul, Robert S., A memoir of Edmund B. Willson. Fifth President of the Essex Institute, Salem: Essex Institute, 1895. pp. 39, [1]; tan printed wrappers; photographic frontispiece of Edmund Wilson; Reports of the selectmen, treasurer. Town clerk. Highway agents, janitor, librarian and school board of the town of Hampton Falls for the year ending February 15, 1907, Exeter, N. H.: The News-Letter Press, 1907. pp. 33, [3]; red printed wrappers; Dudley, Myron Samuel, A.M., Historical Sketch of Newington, New Hampshire, Boston: Press of David Clapp & Son, 1904. pp. 10; brown printed wrappers; inscribed by Myron S. Dudley to F. B. Sanborn; Work and Need of the Danvers Historical Society. Sept. 14, 1903. pp. [4]; self-wrappers;. Historic Leaves published by the Somerville Historical Society, Somerville, Mass.: Somerville Historical Society, Vol. II, No. 4, 1904. pp. [3], 74-110 [i.e. 40pp.]; green printed wrappers; 3 photographic plates; inscribed by A. P. Putnam to F. B. Sanborn, but cropped. Quincy, Josiah Phillips, The Limits of Reliable Memory, Cambridge: John Wilson and Son. University Press, 1901. pp. 10; self-wrappers. Manatt, J. Irving, Greece revisited, Providence: The Brown Alumni Monthly, 1906. pp. [12]; right margin cropped, with some loss. Item #57134
Price: $4,000.00